KarmaFalam is a research-based institute mainly in astrology based out of
The intention behind KarmaFalam is to realize the karma in context to fortune.
Shree Bhushanji has started KarmaFalam with a vision to spread real context of astrology to society. His entire focus is making people understand astrology as a guidance tool and not a magic box. Astrology being divine science, yes science, because in science principals works irrespective of location, so in astrology the principals works irrespective of person and environment.
In astrology we have many ways to predict including name, numbers, charts and watch. It is not important which method being used to predict the result, what is important is accuracy of prediction. Many fail to understand, when prediction fails, it is astrologer who fails not Astrology.
To make it more precise and accurate, KarmaFalam has devise a philosophy called “Integrated Method of Prediction”. After applying it on 1000 plus kundali’s, it is been finetuned to give highest level accuracy in prediction.